由校友艾伦·K. 史密斯,1911届毕业生,艾伦K. Smith Center for 写作 and Rhetoric offers the Interdisciplinary Minor in Rhetoric, 写作, and Media Studies and 写作 courses taught by rhetoric and composition faculty, administers Trinity’s 写作 Foundational Requirement, provides support services and special programs for students, faculty and the 社区 as well as assesses and promotes 写作 at 博彩平台网址大全. 艾伦·K. Smith Center for 写作 and Rhetoric also houses the 写作中心 where tutors help students perfect their 写作 skills. 写作中心 is staffed by peer tutors who participate in a 30-year-old 写作 Associates Program.



The 写作 center provides help with all kinds of 写作, from the first critiques assigned in first-year seminars to senior theses and admissions essays for graduate and 专业 schools.


Rhetoric, 写作, and Media Studies Minor

The minor offer students the opportunity to develop expertise in 写作 for academic, 专业, 社区, 以及个人目的.


A.I. 写作与有效学习

Dr. Alex Helberg, Visiting Assistant Professor in the 艾伦·K. Smith Center for 写作 and Rhetoric, has made an informative guide as to what A.I. 编写软件能做什么和不能做什么.



Bicentennial Essay by Irene Papoulis, principal lecturer in the 艾伦·K. Smith Center for 写作 and Rhetoric, and director of Academic Advising and 教师 Development in Trinity’s Center for Academic and Experiential Advising.


写作 and Rhetoric Visiting Assistant Professor Alex Helberg attends The Connecticut Forum about the Impacts of A.I.

“It was one of the most level-headed and curative conversations I’ve heard about artificial intelligence since the dawn of ChatGPT and the current era of AI that we’re in,海尔伯格说。.


写作 Associates team with TPEP to provide tutoring at 哈特福德 Correctional Center

詹姆斯·杜鲁门教授, Director of Peer Tutoring in 写作, trained and supervised five 写作 Associates to offer weekly, one-on-one tutoring at 哈特福德 Correctional Center during the Spring 2024 semester.


Professor Spotlight: 亚历山大Helberg is Bringing the Digital World and Social Media to Trinity Classrooms


Visiting Assistant Professor in the 艾伦·K. Smith Center for 写作 and Rhetoric 亚历山大Helberg advocates for an educational atmosphere that integrates more research on online media through students’ engagement with what they define as a digital world.
Read the article in the Trinity Tripod

“写作 for a Digital World” Course Partners with 哈特福德 Food System


Student editing audio files on a computer Visiting Assistant Professor in the 艾伦·K. Smith Center for 写作 in Rhetoric Alex Helberg teaches RHET 125 “写作 for a Digital World,” where students seek to understand the influence of digital technologies on 写作 and communication practices. Borrowing from rhetorical theory on concepts like genre, 话语社区, 互文性, 修辞生态学, Helberg  teaches students how to write for public audiences through a Community Learning podcast project in partnership with 哈特福德 Food System and Healthy 哈特福德 Hub (HHH).


艾琳·帕普利斯的书 只有你能写的文章,出版于2023年10月

is a textbook offering strategies for 写作 学术和个人论文. It also gives you advice about some of the psychological factors that can get in the way of doing your best 写作. Read it if you want to write essays that grow out of your own particular thoughts and experiences!

Supporting Trinity’s International Students

To help ease the transition to living and studying on an American campus, a pilot program introduced in fall 2019 in Trinity’s 艾伦·K. Smith Center for 写作 and Rhetoric connects first-year international students with mentors who provide academic and social support.



