作为新的一部分 三一加课程 学院于2021年推出 经验证明, which complement the core liberal 艺术 education with integrated 课程 and applied learning experiences that prepare students for their next steps after Trinity.

“Experiential certificates are all about connecting academic inquiry to professional aspiration,” 米切尔一. Polin他是课程副院长,也是戏剧和舞蹈教授. “的y present an opportunity for students to practice ideas and not just examine them from a distance.”

30张经验证书 now offered—and more being designed by faculty each year—students have the opportunity to pursue deeper, 在高度集中的领域进行更多的实践研究. “的 faculty is dedicated to expanding ways for students to think about what comes after Trinity, 尤其是在他们大四的时候, and to explore the disciplinary areas about which they are passionate and curious,波林说.

An experiential certificate is one way in which students may fulfill the new curriculum’s three “plus” credits, 超过了博彩平台网址大全的32个必修学分. 毕业必须修满35个学分. 每个证书包括三个学分, 结合学术和课外经验, 在这两个类别中至少有一个学分. Co-curricular experiences include such opportunities as teaching assistantships; peer teaching and mentorships; internships; short-term global study; research with a faculty member; and most 1项 课程.

完成的证书将反映在学生的成绩单上, which Polin said will demonstrate to a potential graduate school or employer that the student has worked seriously on a focused topic. “It tells where a student’s passion lies and provides a deeper story of who they are and the work they pursued while at 博彩平台网址大全,他说.

“We’re not leaving behind critical ideas and questions that are happening in the classroom—we’re applying them outwards, 推开教室的边缘,走进世界,Polin补充道. “学生在课堂外的时间也很重要. 与 these certificates, students continue learning through experiential activities.”

对更多信息感兴趣的学生可以联系 学术和经验咨询中心 at (电子邮件保护).



随着网络安全威胁变得越来越复杂, there is a growing need for professionals who not only understand the theory behind cybersecurity, 还要有应用知识的第一手经验, 据计算机科学副教授说 Ewa Syta.

计算机科学副教授Ewa Syta与学生们一起工作.
计算机科学副教授Ewa Syta与学生们一起工作.

“的 certificate in cybersecurity will equip students with technical skills and domain expertise complementing the critical thinking, 适应性, 以及在文科教育中磨练出来的沟通技巧,赛塔说。, 谁和工程教授一起监督证书颁发 泰康宁.

的 students earning this certificate are required to complete two credits of selected computer science and engineering 课程, 除了一个课外活动, 你可以选择实习的形式吗, 夏季奖学金, 或者和老师一起做研究项目.

“Participating in a co-curricular activity provides students with invaluable hands-on experience, 强调网络安全的多面性,赛塔说. “通过参与现实世界的体验, 场景和挑战, students experience how theoretical knowledge translates into practice and how cybersecurity impacts every facet of an entity.”

Students who earn the certificate will graduate with a distinct advantage, Syta said: “的y can either dive into specialized cybersecurity roles with confidence, or leverage their enhanced computer science skill set to any tech-centric role they choose to pursue, 在竞争激烈的就业市场中提供优势.”


“This experiential certificate brings a new dimension of interdisciplinary academic engagement for Trinity students by formally bringing together music and anthropology,音乐教授说 Eric Galm他是这个证书的负责人.

Participating in Trinity’s Samba合奏 can be a part of a student’s experiential certificate in ethnomusicology.

学生必须完成一门民族音乐学课程, 一门人类学方法论课程, 还有一项课外活动, which can be a one-credit research project or a half-credit research experience plus one semester in Samba合奏.

“的 ethnomusicology experiential certificate allows students to intertwine theoretical and applied practice, 提供了一个学习的机会, 但是要把学到的东西付诸实践,盖姆说。.

在这个主题领域, students may pursue an internship in the archives of the Watkinson Library; engage with a living culture project at a local museum or other nonprofit institution; or share course learnings with the public through a music program on Trinity’s WRTC radio, 例如.

Galm补充说,学生在实践中学习. “Rather than learning about music and culture through academic textbooks, students can engage directly with heritage practitioners throughout the region. 而不仅仅是“研究”人们和他们的传统, student research can help artists to develop comprehensive materials that will help them to promote and convey their work to a wider audience.”


当你面临像气候变化这样的生存危机时, 你不能只从一个角度看问题, 化学副教授说 米歇尔终于提出, who serves as certificate adviser along with Professor of Language and Culture Studies 约翰内斯Evelein.

Avery Sands ’26 (left) and Sidra Hassan ’25 measure trees on campus as part of the “Introduction to Environmental Science” course.

“It’s not enough to just understand the science; you also have to understand the policy of it, 如何帮助人们做出选择的心理学, 通过人文学科给人们带来希望,科瓦里克说. “从不同学科的角度来看待这个问题非常重要.”

的 certificate consists of two academic credits earned in climate-related coursework representing two different divisions (i.e., 艺术, 人文学科, 自然科学, social sciences) and a co-curricular credit earned through experiential work related to the climate emergency. “This certificate was developed after the faculty passed a resolution years ago that Trinity should engage in ideas about the climate emergency in the curriculum,科瓦里克说.

Kovarik said the faculty wants students to be informed and empowered to do something about the climate emergency, which could take the form of scientific research experiences or internships involved in climate activism. “It’s a really pressing problem that’s going to affect everyone,” she said. “这对所有学生都很重要, whether they want to do something in their professional lives related to climate, 或者只是做一个知情的公民.”

经验证明 目前可用的有:

  • 学术领导
  • 考古现场
  • 生物检测
  • 制度与社会变迁
  • 临床神经科学
  • 网络安全
  • 设计思考
  • 数字通信
  • 创业
  • 人种音乐学
  • 电影内容管理
  • 全球健康与人类生态
  • 信息安全
  • 创新
  • 机器学习
  • 医学及相关医疗
  • 气候紧急情况的多学科方法
  • 多媒体通信
  • 器官的性能
  • 私人治理
  • 数学研究
  • 软件开发
  • 主题写作
  • 税收政策与不平等
  • 技术剧院
  • 翻译实践
  • 学术写作辅导
  • 城市参与式学习
  • 在STEM环境中使用第二语言技能
  • 写作教学