这是今年夏天三篇关于博彩平台网址大全学生实习经历的故事中的第二篇. Read more here.

This summer, 班塔姆们正在探索跨学科的机会,因为他们接受与专业和未来职业目标相关的实习.

Below, 三位博彩平台网址大全的学生讲述了他们在医疗保健和人类服务领域的实习经历:

Alisha Aristel ’24 – 暑期本科生研究项目(SURP)实习生在纽约市西奈山医院

Alisha Aristel ’24
Alisha Aristel ’24
Major: Neuroscience
Hometown: Elmont, New York

Summer experience: 阿里斯特尔的实习工作包括对一种与精神分裂症相关的基因进行研究. “从事一个具有现实意义的项目,并有可能影响个性化治疗,这让我感到非常充实,” she said. “Additionally, 与该领域的专家合作以及参加职业发展课程丰富了我的学习经验.遗传学和计算生物学的研究与阿里斯特尔在博彩平台网址大全的神经科学研究密切相关. “了解精神分裂症等精神障碍的遗传基础直接关系到我对大脑和行为的学术关注,” she added.

Takeaways: “The skills I’ve acquired, such as data analysis and programming in R and Python, 无疑对我的教育之旅和未来的M.D./Ph.D.,” said Aristel, 谁补充说,在西奈山的科学界的网络机会可以打开进一步的学术和专业发展的大门. 她说:“我非常感激有机会参与这样一个有影响力的研究项目。. “The internship has been a transformative experience, 不仅提高了我的技术能力,而且增强了我在展示我的发现时的信心. 我期待着未来在我对科学知识和理解的追求中所拥有的东西.”

Zoe Kon ’24 – HRTP的机构审查委员会实习生:纽约市卫生和心理卫生部门的公共卫生实习计划 

Zoe Kon ’24
Zoe Kon ’24
Major; Minor: Political Science; InterdisciplinaryPublic Health and Bioethics
Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Summer experience: At Trinity, Kon开设了公共卫生和生物伦理学的跨学科辅修课程,以提供符合她学术兴趣的学习轨迹, with an emphasis on how policy directly affects people. “这次公共卫生实习让我获得了该领域的学习经验, so I can see how my studies apply to the real world,” she said. Kon的实习工作包括制定一个夏季研究项目,为机构审查委员会做出贡献,并提交给总法律顾问办公室. “与IRB和OGC合作让我大开眼界,让我有机会看到法律, regulatory, and government oversight side of health and medical research, 以及所有影响公共卫生的因素,” she said. “我也喜欢住在纽约,探索一个新的城市.”

Takeaways: 今敏说,实习为她的三一课程提供了课堂之外的机会. “我正在学习如何在公共部门工作,如何为政府工作, which is valuable,” she said. “我与同事和其他实习生建立的关系教会了我很多东西,并为我毕业后的未来发展了职业道路.”

Daphne Lasher ’25 – 西雅图焦虑专家远程跨学科研究实习生

Daphne Lasher ’25
Daphne Lasher ’25
Major: Neuroscience
Hometown: Marin County, California

Summer experience: 拉舍正致力于通过文献综述来提高公众对精神病学和心理学临床研究的了解, interviewing researchers and clinicians, 并为西雅图焦虑专家的“心理学百科全书”撰写和发表文章.” She said, “实习最好的部分是选择我想要研究的主题, 比如创伤性脑损伤如何影响精神健康障碍的发展, how cognitive behavioral therapy can be used to treat anxiety, and how adverse childhood experiences relate to mental illness.”

Takeaways: “这是通过我对精神健康障碍和大脑的背景知识, which I gained at Trinity, that I was able to start this internship one step ahead. 这次实习让我有机会在更大程度上探索这些话题,” said Lasher. 她补充说,实习鼓励她寻找更多的研究机会. “This experience has made me want to pursue mental health, but in the medical field, combining my two interests into one,” she said. “By bringing this experience with me into medicine, 我相信我将能够以一种新的方式分享心理健康的意识和知识.”

Molly Simons ’24 – 在纽约市家庭庇护所实习

Molly Simons ’24
Molly Simons ’24
Major; Minor: American Studies; Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Hometown: Westbury, New York

Summer experience: Simons is part of a team that oversees foundation, corporate, and government grants for the non-profit Sanctuary for Families, 为家庭暴力幸存者提供服务和倡导, sex trafficking, and gender violence. She has collected stories from survivors, worked on blog posts, 协助举办年度零容忍慈善筹款活动, and marched in NYC Pride. “The energy at Pride was palpable and walking among huge, 国家公司作为当地的非营利组织,是对城市及其幸存者表示支持的好方法,” said Simons.

Takeaways: “我打算写一篇关于美国研究的毕业论文,主题是针对土著妇女的暴力行为,” Simons said. “亲眼看到‘家庭庇护所’提供的服务,将会为我的论文提供很多信息, as I combine my education in American studies and women, gender, 以及具有真实世界经验和我热衷的问题的性研究.她补充说,参与拨款提案和报告的工作让她看到了她的工作对收容所运营的直接影响, providing legal counsel, and offering therapy services. “This work has absolutely informed my post-grad plans, pushing me to look for positions at non-profits or in development,” Simons added.

有关博彩平台网址大全如何支持学生实习的更多信息, on-campus jobs, post-graduation employment, and graduate schools, visit the Career & Life Design Center.